Thanksgiving Begins With You

During this week of Thanksgiving in the United States, I wanted to take the time to thank our clients for entrusting us with their coaching and consulting needs. Whether we've worked together one-on-one or you've read our content or participated in our events, I am grateful for every one of you. 

This year, many have made adjustments to their holiday plans due to the global pandemic. Some may not be able to gather with loved ones like they are used to, while others may be completely unfazed. However you decide to spend this time of year, here are some things that you can do to stay in a positive space during this holiday season. 

  1. Reframe your situation. Being in solitude presents a great opportunity to self-reflect and enjoy your own company. If you choose to spend your time alone this holiday, you can also choose to be happy in your solitude.

  2. Throw yourself a party to celebrate YOU! We don't celebrate ourselves enough. Take this time to celebrate how much you've really accomplished this year, despite the challenges.

  3. Set up a "Zoomsgiving" or Friendsgiving call with your loved ones.This is a good way to connect with your loved ones while still implementing social distancing. If you do interact in person over the holidays, be sure to implement proper COVID-19 safety precautions.

  4. Do something you've been putting off. What have you been procrastinating on that you can use this time to get done? Swap out your winter and summer clothing. Declutter your space. Study for that certification. Apply for that new job or start your LLC. Call that person that's been on your mind to catch up. Whatever it is, just do it.

  5. Catch up on some shows or movies. Clean out your DVR or catch up on those endless shows that you have saved to your favorites on Netflix. You can even watch your favorite movie for the 100th time or watch something funny that will make you laugh. There is no judgment here. Just pick something that you'd enjoy and go for it.

  6. Have a self care day. Although some may set aside Saturdays or Sundays for self care, you can implement self care on any day of the week. This holiday presents a good opportunity to relax and recharge so you can finish this year strong. When we give our bodies the time it needs to recharge, this also gives us energy to be more productive. Some self care activities may include, but are not limited to: spa activities, prayer and meditation, listening to music, reading a good book or working out.

  7. Reflect on what you are thankful for. A consistent practice of gratitude has been proven to increase happiness, decrease anxiety and improve your overall physical, mental and emotional health. If you want to keep track of what you are grateful for, consider starting a gratitude journal.

However you decide to spend the holidays, please stay safe and try your best to remain hopeful. Give yourself some grace and some credit for how far you've come already. You've overcome a lot in your life and continue to move forward, despite opposition and that's a pretty big deal!